
Carl von Clausewitz 3D print model Carl von Clausewitz 3D print model, available for download.

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This page focuses on images of 3D depictions of Clausewitz. It is part of the "Clausewitz Graphics" section of Other pages are:

CLAUSEWITZ GRAPHICS (central page in Graphics section)
 Clausewitz: The Authentic Portraits (includes important derivatives)
 Historical Depictions
 Humor & Cartoons


Buste des Generals Clausewitz im Zeughaus zu Berlin. Deutsches Historisches Museum, InventarNr: Kg 62/45. Sculpture by Theodor Litke, c.1890. DHM inventory data. It would be nice to know more about the history of this bust. The newspaper photo below is from the Burg Zeitung, "Die Jahre des Carl von Clausewitz in seiner Geburtsstadt: Mit zwolf Lebensjahren aus Burg Entsshwunden?," published in 2000.

Clausewitz bust

This is the Clausewitz Bust belonging to the U.S. National War College There are original bronze busts of Clausewitz (some quite different from one another) at the German Army's War College; the U.S. National War College in Washington, DC (which is the one shown above, done c.2000 in Hamburg by an artist named Büsching, based on the Bundeswehr's version); and the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, PA.

Clausewitz bust-German War College The original bust in the Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr in Hamburg, Germany.
(Click for larger image.)

 Clausewitz Bust from German Ministry of Defense 'Clausewitz Room.' Clausewitz Bust from the German Ministry of Defense 'Clausewitz Room.'
(Click for much larger 1536x2048 image.)

Freundeskreis Bust Here's a bust shown on the Clausewitz Gesellschaft's website. In 1989, at what is now the Carl von Clausewitz Kaserne in Burg, the East German Volksarmee unveiled this bronze bust. There is a very similar bust—possibly the same one—in the Clausewitz Museum in Burg.

Souvenir Clausewitz bust From: Berliner Zinnfiguren
Knesebeckstr. 88, 10623 Berlin

Small metal bust of Clausewitz Here's an older one (c.60mm high), apparently no longer available.

This website in Russia offers several beautiful 3D model downloads of Clausewitz
—none of which are, in fact, Clausewitz.

Obverse, Ehrenmedaille General Carl von Clausewitz
Reverse, Ehrenmedaille General Carl von ClausewitzFrom the German Clausewitz Gessellschaft (Clausewitz Society): the "Ehrenmedaille General Carl von Clausewitz" for outstanding achievement at the German war college.

Clausewitz Denkmal

Denkmal für Carl von Clausewitz, in Burg, Germany.
(Click for larger image.)


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