
Clausewitz Souvenirs

 • Mobile Compatible • is not a commercial enterprise. Nonetheless, we recognize the need to publicize Clausewitz and his ideas and that various organizations and individuals are interested in doing so. So we maintain a Souvenir Shop, and some of its offerings are listed below. Most of the items on this page, however, come from other sources.

Some souvenirs from's CAFE PRESS on-line store.

Large Clausewitz poster

Large (23 x 35-inch) poster of the world's premier military theorist. High-quality poster is printed on heavyweight 7 mil semi-gloss paper.

Dog T-Shirt Dog T-Shirt

Small Clausewitz poster

Small (16 x 20-inch) poster of the world's premier military theorist. High-quality poster is printed on heavyweight 7 mil semi-gloss paper.

Clausewitz is Cool 3.5-inch button

"Clausewitz Is Cool"
3.5-inch Buttons

Clausewitz coffee cup

Clausewitz coffee mug. 11-oz ceramic mug with a portrait and a quotation from On War. Large handle, dishwasher and microwave safe.

Clausewitz is Cool T-Shirt

Some souvenirs from AMAZON.

Large Clausewitz poster

Karl Von Clausewitz N(1780-1831) Prussian Soldier Lithograph After A Painting by W. Wach. Poster Print (24 x 36). $60.11 (on 26OCT2023).

Dog T-Shirt

Karl Von Clausewitz N(1780-1831) Prussian Army Officer B&W Lithograph After A Painting By W Wach. Poster Print (18 x 24) $32.83 (on 26OCT2023).

Small Clausewitz poster

Carl Philipp Gottlieb vonClausewitz, Prussian General, major military theorist. Portrait picture Painting - Coffee Cup Mug.


Souvenir Clausewitz bust From: Berliner Zinnfiguren
Knesebeckstr. 88, 10623 Berlin

Zazzle coffee cups


There are lots of Clausewitz coffee cups at

Zazzle Clausewitz poster, 11x14in.


Choose from up to 5 unique paper types and several sizes to create Poster art that’s a perfect representation of you. [This is actually a German postage stamp.]

coffee cup #2
"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a great plan." General Carl von Clausewitz. (We agree with the sentiment but have no record of Clausewitz ever saying this. Sounds like Moltke or Patton—both serious readers of Clausewitz.)

coffee cup #3
"Behold I am become death ... the disembodied Clausewitz head of worlds..." [No idea what this one is about. The initial quote is from a Hindu Veda (probably by way of J. Robert Oppenheimer), but still, it looks cool.]

coffee cup #4
This item is labeled the DFCH of Worlds Mug of Annihilation and reads "The Disembodied Floating Clausewitz Head is MY President." Unsurprisingly, it seems that this website has been annihilated.

Clausewitz poster from Etsy

ClausewitzPosterFromEtsy. Black & white pencil portrait/poster of CARL von CLAUSEWITZ. Various sizes available! $29.50+ on 26 OCT 2023.

Clausewitzian "Trinity" demonstration device

The "Trinity" is a key concept in Clausewitzian theory, which Clausewitz illustrated by referring to this scientific device. You can obtain the ROMP (Randomly Oscillating Magnetic Pendulum) from science toy stores for about $30. (It's easy to remove the extra magnets shown here.)

Availability: This item is distributed (wholesale) by Supertek Scientific. You can buy it (retail) at Dabnis Scientific & Industrial. It is also listed on (USA), but is often unavailable there.

For other graphic visual metaphors for Clausewitz's Trinity, click here.

Randomly Oscillating Magnetic Pendulum logo Visit the
The Clausewitz Bookstores [US, UK, France, Germany]
US - UK - France - Germany


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